var/cache/dev/ContainerMi1mAF2/PaginatorInterface_82dac15.php line 26

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  1. <?php
  2. namespace ContainerMi1mAF2;
  3. include_once \dirname(__DIR__6).'/shared/vendor/knplabs/knp-components/src/Knp/Component/Pager/PaginatorInterface.php';
  4. include_once \dirname(__DIR__6).'/shared/vendor/knplabs/knp-components/src/Knp/Component/Pager/Paginator.php';
  5. class PaginatorInterface_82dac15 implements \ProxyManager\Proxy\VirtualProxyInterface\Knp\Component\Pager\PaginatorInterface
  6. {
  7.     /**
  8.      * @var \Knp\Component\Pager\PaginatorInterface|null wrapped object, if the proxy is initialized
  9.      */
  10.     private $valueHoldere406d null;
  11.     /**
  12.      * @var \Closure|null initializer responsible for generating the wrapped object
  13.      */
  14.     private $initializerde51d null;
  15.     /**
  16.      * @var bool[] map of public properties of the parent class
  17.      */
  18.     private static $publicProperties0c849 = [
  20.     ];
  21.     public function paginate($targetint $page 1, ?int $limit null, array $options = []) : \Knp\Component\Pager\Pagination\PaginationInterface
  22.     {
  23.         $this->initializerde51d && ($this->initializerde51d->__invoke($valueHoldere406d$this'paginate', array('target' => $target'page' => $page'limit' => $limit'options' => $options), $this->initializerde51d) || 1) && $this->valueHoldere406d $valueHoldere406d;
  24.         if ($this->valueHoldere406d === $returnValue $this->valueHoldere406d->paginate($target$page$limit$options)) {
  25.             return $this;
  26.         }
  27.         return $returnValue;
  28.     }
  29.     /**
  30.      * Constructor for lazy initialization
  31.      *
  32.      * @param \Closure|null $initializer
  33.      */
  34.     public static function staticProxyConstructor($initializer)
  35.     {
  36.         static $reflection;
  37.         $reflection $reflection ?? new \ReflectionClass(__CLASS__);
  38.         $instance   $reflection->newInstanceWithoutConstructor();
  39.         $instance->initializerde51d $initializer;
  40.         return $instance;
  41.     }
  42.     public function __construct()
  43.     {
  44.         static $reflection;
  45.         if (! $this->valueHoldere406d) {
  46.             $reflection $reflection ?? new \ReflectionClass('Knp\\Component\\Pager\\PaginatorInterface');
  47.             $this->valueHoldere406d $reflection->newInstanceWithoutConstructor();
  48.         }
  49.     }
  50.     public function & __get($name)
  51.     {
  52.         $this->initializerde51d && ($this->initializerde51d->__invoke($valueHoldere406d$this'__get', ['name' => $name], $this->initializerde51d) || 1) && $this->valueHoldere406d $valueHoldere406d;
  53.         if (isset(self::$publicProperties0c849[$name])) {
  54.             return $this->valueHoldere406d->$name;
  55.         }
  56.         $realInstanceReflection = new \ReflectionClass('Knp\\Component\\Pager\\PaginatorInterface');
  57.         if (! $realInstanceReflection->hasProperty($name)) {
  58.             $targetObject $this->valueHoldere406d;
  59.             $backtrace debug_backtrace(false1);
  60.             trigger_error(
  61.                 sprintf(
  62.                     'Undefined property: %s::$%s in %s on line %s',
  63.                     $realInstanceReflection->getName(),
  64.                     $name,
  65.                     $backtrace[0]['file'],
  66.                     $backtrace[0]['line']
  67.                 ),
  68.                 \E_USER_NOTICE
  69.             );
  70.             return $targetObject->$name;
  71.         }
  72.         $targetObject $this->valueHoldere406d;
  73.         $accessor = function & () use ($targetObject$name) {
  74.             return $targetObject->$name;
  75.         };
  76.         $backtrace debug_backtrace(true2);
  77.         $scopeObject = isset($backtrace[1]['object']) ? $backtrace[1]['object'] : new \ProxyManager\Stub\EmptyClassStub();
  78.         $accessor $accessor->bindTo($scopeObjectget_class($scopeObject));
  79.         $returnValue = & $accessor();
  80.         return $returnValue;
  81.     }
  82.     public function __set($name$value)
  83.     {
  84.         $this->initializerde51d && ($this->initializerde51d->__invoke($valueHoldere406d$this'__set', array('name' => $name'value' => $value), $this->initializerde51d) || 1) && $this->valueHoldere406d $valueHoldere406d;
  85.         $realInstanceReflection = new \ReflectionClass('Knp\\Component\\Pager\\PaginatorInterface');
  86.         if (! $realInstanceReflection->hasProperty($name)) {
  87.             $targetObject $this->valueHoldere406d;
  88.             $targetObject->$name $value;
  89.             return $targetObject->$name;
  90.         }
  91.         $targetObject $this->valueHoldere406d;
  92.         $accessor = function & () use ($targetObject$name$value) {
  93.             $targetObject->$name $value;
  94.             return $targetObject->$name;
  95.         };
  96.         $backtrace debug_backtrace(true2);
  97.         $scopeObject = isset($backtrace[1]['object']) ? $backtrace[1]['object'] : new \ProxyManager\Stub\EmptyClassStub();
  98.         $accessor $accessor->bindTo($scopeObjectget_class($scopeObject));
  99.         $returnValue = & $accessor();
  100.         return $returnValue;
  101.     }
  102.     public function __isset($name)
  103.     {
  104.         $this->initializerde51d && ($this->initializerde51d->__invoke($valueHoldere406d$this'__isset', array('name' => $name), $this->initializerde51d) || 1) && $this->valueHoldere406d $valueHoldere406d;
  105.         $realInstanceReflection = new \ReflectionClass('Knp\\Component\\Pager\\PaginatorInterface');
  106.         if (! $realInstanceReflection->hasProperty($name)) {
  107.             $targetObject $this->valueHoldere406d;
  108.             return isset($targetObject->$name);
  109.         }
  110.         $targetObject $this->valueHoldere406d;
  111.         $accessor = function () use ($targetObject$name) {
  112.             return isset($targetObject->$name);
  113.         };
  114.         $backtrace debug_backtrace(true2);
  115.         $scopeObject = isset($backtrace[1]['object']) ? $backtrace[1]['object'] : new \ProxyManager\Stub\EmptyClassStub();
  116.         $accessor $accessor->bindTo($scopeObjectget_class($scopeObject));
  117.         $returnValue $accessor();
  118.         return $returnValue;
  119.     }
  120.     public function __unset($name)
  121.     {
  122.         $this->initializerde51d && ($this->initializerde51d->__invoke($valueHoldere406d$this'__unset', array('name' => $name), $this->initializerde51d) || 1) && $this->valueHoldere406d $valueHoldere406d;
  123.         $realInstanceReflection = new \ReflectionClass('Knp\\Component\\Pager\\PaginatorInterface');
  124.         if (! $realInstanceReflection->hasProperty($name)) {
  125.             $targetObject $this->valueHoldere406d;
  126.             unset($targetObject->$name);
  127.             return;
  128.         }
  129.         $targetObject $this->valueHoldere406d;
  130.         $accessor = function () use ($targetObject$name) {
  131.             unset($targetObject->$name);
  132.             return;
  133.         };
  134.         $backtrace debug_backtrace(true2);
  135.         $scopeObject = isset($backtrace[1]['object']) ? $backtrace[1]['object'] : new \ProxyManager\Stub\EmptyClassStub();
  136.         $accessor $accessor->bindTo($scopeObjectget_class($scopeObject));
  137.         $accessor();
  138.     }
  139.     public function __clone()
  140.     {
  141.         $this->initializerde51d && ($this->initializerde51d->__invoke($valueHoldere406d$this'__clone', array(), $this->initializerde51d) || 1) && $this->valueHoldere406d $valueHoldere406d;
  142.         $this->valueHoldere406d = clone $this->valueHoldere406d;
  143.     }
  144.     public function __sleep()
  145.     {
  146.         $this->initializerde51d && ($this->initializerde51d->__invoke($valueHoldere406d$this'__sleep', array(), $this->initializerde51d) || 1) && $this->valueHoldere406d $valueHoldere406d;
  147.         return array('valueHoldere406d');
  148.     }
  149.     public function __wakeup()
  150.     {
  151.     }
  152.     public function setProxyInitializer(\Closure $initializer null) : void
  153.     {
  154.         $this->initializerde51d $initializer;
  155.     }
  156.     public function getProxyInitializer() : ?\Closure
  157.     {
  158.         return $this->initializerde51d;
  159.     }
  160.     public function initializeProxy() : bool
  161.     {
  162.         return $this->initializerde51d && ($this->initializerde51d->__invoke($valueHoldere406d$this'initializeProxy', array(), $this->initializerde51d) || 1) && $this->valueHoldere406d $valueHoldere406d;
  163.     }
  164.     public function isProxyInitialized() : bool
  165.     {
  166.         return null !== $this->valueHoldere406d;
  167.     }
  168.     public function getWrappedValueHolderValue()
  169.     {
  170.         return $this->valueHoldere406d;
  171.     }
  172. }
  173. if (!\class_exists('PaginatorInterface_82dac15'false)) {
  174.     \class_alias(__NAMESPACE__.'\\PaginatorInterface_82dac15''PaginatorInterface_82dac15'false);
  175. }